Monday, August 27, 2018


Man in his attempt for enjoying radiant health devised many a way to develop his health.  These ways can be classified into two.  1) Physical healing 2) non physical healing.  Physical healing includes all type of medical systems like the western medicine, ayurveda, etc In the second comes various energy healing modalities like Reiki, pranic healing , siddha science , etc..  In this post I am going to compare prevalent energy healing systems which are widely popular throughout the world.



There are many styles of Reiki and among them “Clasical Usui Reiki “

is the most widespread and this is the one I am also practicing right from year 2010 october onwards.  This is a system of energy healing which is very easy to learn and practice

Training methodology:

Any  person aspiring to become a healer in this style has to undergo training at three or  four level
11)     Level 1:  In this level the student is subjected to what is known as attunement.  In this process the trainer or Reiki master creates a link that is permanent between the student and the Reiki energy.  Once attuned the student is always attuned.  In this stage self healing alone is adviced even though the student can heal others also.  Undergoing attunement process is a wonderful one.  It helps to make a before and after observation.  After the training session the student has to administer swelf healing as many times as possibe with a time interval of approximately two and half hours gap.  The next 21 days the student has to make a compulsory practice of self healing and this period is known as the 21 day cleansing period which is very vi

22)  Level 2: This is a very important stage.  In this stage the student is attuned for doing healinggat an advanced level.  The student is given three symbols and their name.  With these three symbols the student has to perform self healing or healing others.  The most important part of the training is that it enables the student to perform distant healing.  After level 2 attunement there is a quantum jump in the energy levels of the student.  Any person who has undergone this training can call himself a practitioner or healer.  After this training the practitioner can also administer healing for financial problems , human relations problems  and do goal manifestation programs either for himselff or for others .
3)    Lever 3 or Master training:   Many Reiki masters have the policy of further dividing this level into two subdivisions Level 3A and 3B.  IN level 3A the candidate is attuned to another asymbol known as master symbol .After this training along with the previously given 3 symbols the student can now use the master symbol also in self healing or healing others but he cannot train others  as healers. In level 3b the student is taught how to train others.  Other masters who don’t follow this policy streaight wasy train the students to train others also. 

A 21 days cleansing period is mandatory after level 1 and level 2.   After mastership training (master healer cum trainer) a one year period of shadowing is essential.  In another post I am discussing about various other styles of Reiki

Pranic healing

This is a system of healing which is much prevalent after Classical Usui Reiki. 

This system of healing was created and popularized by Master Choa Kok Sui a Filipino.  I have attended the basic pranic healing course and it is really very effective. Master choa has borrowed various techniques from various tradition of healing and made it into a single whole system of healing.  For a person to qualify as a pranic healer he or she has to complete the following three levels
11)      Basic level:  At this level the student is taught what an aura is how to scan the aura and find out what problem the patient is suffering with and also how to clean the aura.  What congestion and depletion are? And how to manage them.  Distance healing, distance aura scanning, are also taught at this level
22)      Advanced pranic healing: .  the main attraction of this course is that the student is taught to use color prana and that is really pwerful
33)   Pranic psychotherapy:  At this level the student is taught to handle psychological issues also.
In another article I will explain in detail about various other levels of training in Pranic healing.

Comparison of above systems:

Both systems are really effective in solving problems of people.  In pranic healing there are many rules and regulations to be followed but in Reiki there are almost no hard and fast rules

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