Sunday, April 15, 2018

Distant Reiki Healing-Is It a reality?

What is Distant Reiki Healing?

Just buy any book on Reiki.or visit any website on this topic, you can certainly come across a chapter or a page especially devoted to Distant Reiki Healing. And now what ist and does it really works? I have only one short answer YES.  In every energy healing modality whether it is Reiki, Panic healing, Siddha Science, etc You can come across this distance healing concept.

Who Can Administer Distant Reiki Healing?

Any person who has undergone level 2 training is eligible to administer Remote or absentee or distance healing.  During the level 2 attunement ceremony the practitioner is attuned to the distance healing symbol
whose name is "Han Sha  Ze Sho Nen".

This symbol enables the second level practitioner. to administer distance healing by enabling to send energy across space and time.


It can be used to heal both physical and health problems and n on health problems

For Health Problems:

1)To heal people of any age group of their health problems both physical and mental health problems
2)It can be used to heal peta animals whether they are domestic animals like  cat and dog or other animals like rabbit , etc or birds like parrot or reptiles like snakes.

Non Health Issues

1)It can be also used to heal situation, events across you own city or nation or over the entire globe.  
2)It can be used for goal manifestation.
3)It can be used to heal relationship problems between two or more individuals.
4)It can be used to resolve marital conflicts.  
5) it can be used to heal financial problems. There are multiple types of Reiki distant healing techniques and the proxy or surrogate method being a favourite among all Reiki healers

  1)I normally use a boy doll for a man  or girl doll for a woman.  To start a session i simply declare the doll to be Mr. X or Miss. X. and then do aura scanning and cleansing and administer full body healing after applying all the three symbols in their sequence and i always get good results with both  my client and myself highly satisfied with the outcome.Instead of the doll s you can also use any of your thumbs or limbs as a proxy  and that also works. Let me say i am going to use my thumb, left one, i just declare it to be Mr X or Miss X and then intent healing and apply the symbols in their sequence. .  Then I wrap the thumb with my other palm and transmit energy to the concerned person. Many users use  a teddy bear doll.  Apart from these a pillow also can be successfully used as a surrogate.

 2) When i manage to geta photo graph of a client, i put it between my palms and intent healing and apply the symbols in ther sequence. 
 3)Another interesting method is to imagine my client between my palms and intent healing and apply the symbols.  

4).  When i have to heal multiple people to heal and less time available for me than  , I write their names and date of birth on pieces of paper and put all the pieces of paper inside a polythene bag and  put it between my palms and intent healing and apply the symbols over the polythene bag.  I have always experienced wonderful results.

For people who have very limited time or no Reiki clinics nearby , Distant Reiki healing is agreat idea.  Yes after speaking to practitioner via phone the patient can relax in his sofa chair inside the cosy comfort of his house  and still enjopy woderful health benefits.

Now to undergo a three months of uninterrupted quiet effective distance healing please contact me at please provide me with your name detail, first name , last name , middle name , date of birth, details of ailments or problems and a passport size photo

Wish you good luck


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