Saturday, April 28, 2018

Reiki and Yoga Combined - Is It Really Beneficial?

Combining Both Yoga and Reiki

Nowadays all over the globe there is a tendency among both Reiki masters and Yoga masters to combine Reiki and Yoga and in fact their number is growing at an exponential rate.  This combining is nowadays known as ReikiYoga. Now I can understand that you want to ask me- How and in what way this will be beneficial to me?  My answer is this combination will bring to you better and faster results.  than practicing any one system alone.  Actually this enables to achieve synergy.  Now to understand how this is effected  we have to discuss about the  both systems.

An Overview of Both Systems


This is from the ancient yogis of India to entire humanity.  The name yoga is nowadays very popular and almost every human living under the sun pronounces it.  More and more people are nowadays undergoing training in some style of yoga.  Yoga normally refers to the practice of both Asanas and Pranayams.  Asanas are postures of body and pranayama is controlled inhalation and exhalation of breath.  The practice of Asana involves the bending of body twisting , stretching and toning of the entire body which will bless you with resilience, suppleness and stamina.  It will also reduce your stress level..


Now this is one of the most popular and widely taught , learnt and practiced energy healing technique all over the world.  The noun Reiki means Universal life force.  This system has its origin in Japan and the name of the founder is Mikao Usui.  he was a principal of a small christian university in Tokyo.  One day one of his students asked whether he can teach them how to heal like Jesus Christ used to do.  To get answer for this question Usui left his job travel led to many places and finally after meditating rigorously for 21 days on Mt. Kuriyama he found his answer .  Reiki is a very gentle and soothing healing energy.  It is a   drugless supportive complimentary therapy.  It  always must be used in combination with a main medical therapy like western medicine, homeopathy, Ayurveda, Siddha , Unani or Naturopathy.  It is very effective in dealing with almost every type of diseases, both physical and psychological.  It creates a sense of well being , induces deep relaxation.  

Growing Trend to Combine Reiki and Yoga 

Through out the world many Reiki masters  as well as Yoga masters have started to use both Reiki and yoga combination in their daily practice as well as in their  teaching to students.  I have in my personal experience have found this combining of Reiki and yoga aas truly very beneficial.  The practice of yoga enhances the effect of your Reiki practice and practice of Reiki  certainly makes the practice of Yoga more easier and more beneficial.  In my case i started to  practice yoga sometime in 2008 and after sometime i had to give up as i used to get violent pains in my lower abdominal portion.  My doctor diagnosed me to be having BPH i.e early stage benign  prostate hyperplasia and parasitic infection.    But after I learnt Classical Usui Reiki My problems started to regress and practicing of yoga became easier and because of this i am enjoying synergistic benefits.

Now to undergo a three months of uninterrupted quiet effective distance healing please contact me at please provide me with your name detail, first name , last name , middle name , date of birth, details of ailments or problems and a passport size photo

Wish you good luck

Monday, April 23, 2018

Distance Reiki Healing - How it Works?

Distance Healing Defined

The possibility f Distance healing or Remote healing or absentee healing is available in energy healing systems and Reiki is no exception. Now we shall see what is Distance Reiki Healing.  it is a situation in which The healer is in one place and the healee is in another place.  After the healee sens his request for healing.  The healer starts transmitting energy through time and space using different  healing techniques like surrogate method or photographic method that are available in Reiki healing System.

Distance Healing Symbol 

For performing a distance healing a special symbol is available.  Its name is "Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen"..  This symbol can be activated by invoking the name thrice.

Distance Reiki Healing symbol-What Does it Means?

There are two wonderful meaning for this symbol.. In the first one the entire name is broken into its various parts with every part having its own meaning
1) Hon: the start out of itself. , the center, the beginning, the source
2)Sha: Shining
3)Ze Walking in the right direction
4) Sho honest being, aim, goa
5)To be open to the deepest being in nature, silence.

Normally "Hon Sha Ze Sho Neb" means  no past, no present, no future and this the reason why it is said to work across space and time..  

This symbol can be used to send energy to speicific goal, individuals , events , past and future or target.

The second meaning is an excellent one which i personally love it is as follows "the Buddha in me contacts the Buddha in you"

This symbols is especially important for distance healing  and this can be also used in dealing with issues related to karma..

Explanation From Other Sources

Swami Vivekananda modern day exponent of Hinduism has in his lecture on Prana has made a quite interesting observation about healing and i distance healing.  Even though he speaks from a different perspective still i think  it will be appropriate appropriate to quote his words.  "Every thing is infectious in this world.  if your body be in a state of tension, it will have a tendency to produce the same tension in others.  if you are strong and healthy, those that live near you also have the tendency to become strong and healthy, but if you are sick and weak, those around will have the tendency to become the same.  In the case of one man trying to heal another, the first idea is simply transferring his own health to the other.  this is the primitive sort of healing.  Consciously or unconsciously , health can be transmitted.  a very strong man, living with a weak man, will make him a little stronger, whether he knows it or not..  When consciously done, it becomes quicker and and better in it s action.  Next comes those cases in which a man may not be very healthy himself, yet we know that he can bring health to another.  the first man in such a case , has a little more more control over the prana, and can rouse, for the time being his prana , as it were , to a certain level of vibration, and transmit  it to another person.  there has been cases where this process has been carried on at a distance, but in reality, there is no distance in the sense of a break.  Where is the distance that has a break? Is there any break between you and the sun? it is a continuous mass of matter, the sun being one part and, and you another then why cannot any force travel? There is no reason against it.   Cases of healing from a distance is perfectly true.  the prana can be transmitted to to a very great distance, but to one genuine case, there are hundreds of frauds.  This process of healing is not so easy as it is thought to be. "

The only difference is Distant Reiki healing  is truly very easy.

Now to undergo a three months of uninterrupted quiet effective distance healing please contact me at please provide me with your name detail, first name , last name , middle name , date of birth, details of ailments or problems and a passport size photo

Wish you good luck

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Why and What is Energy Exchange in Reiki Energy Healing

What is Energy Exchange?

One of the basic rule to be followed in the practice of Reiki Energy Healing is to charge a fee for the service provided the  practitioner.  It can even be even a small coconut toffee or whatever amount or service or barter a client is able to pay comfortably.  To make it simpler if you want to undergo healing or training by a healer you have to pay money or service or a barter.  This rule was formulated by the founder of Classical Usui Reiki, Mikao Usui underwent bitter experience due to his own free service.

Why Energy Exchange in Reiki Energy Healing?

Frequently people who come to me for healing ask me many questions about  receiving of fees by Reiki energy healers.  Questions  being of the following types.  
1) All Yogis and Siddhas, monks and saints of in ancient world  didn't charged money for healing others than why you are charging  a fee for your services?
2).  Reiki has its source in nature and anything in nature is available free of cost so why levy a fee for rendering your service?

Now before answering the above questions i want to say something about the position taken by healers in this regard.

Position taken by Reiki Energy Healers

1) A group of healers who abide by the principle of energy exchange very strictly.
2) Group of healers who simply flout the principle of energy exchange and offer free service.

Now my answer to the questions is yes in ancient days healers use to administer free healing services as they were taken care by the royal family or aristocrats of those days.  All the day to day requirements or even i can say that the necessities of the entire life of healers were taken can care by kings and aristocratic families or even by communities.  So  there was no necessity for the healer  to ask for a fee.  In the case of Siddha yogis and saints there level of existence is a different one.

Now coming to the point of available from nature.  Yes Reiki is  from nature only and water is also from nature but don't we pay taxes to bring water in our area and into our home, the same wy  to enjoy the benefits of Reiki healing one has to pay a fee.  

My Personal Experience.

 Starting from 2005 to to 2010 i was practicing a system of healing known as SIDDHA SCIENCE. In this system no healer is allowed to take money or any form of energy exchange.  I had administered healing with the hel of this system without taking any money or any energy exchange.  the final result was almost every person who underwent healing by me has mocked me behind  my back (This idiot doesn't know the value of time and money, etc) .  But sometime in October 2010 i underwent training in Reiki and for every healing session i started to charge  some fee and this practice has brought me some good income and also my clients are remembering me gratefully and they don't mock me ! Not only that most of them have referred my name to relatives and friends.  Nowadays my policy is to levy a fee which the client can pay me withut any difficulty and with smile alone on his/her face  


It will be better for you as a healer to follow the principle of Energy Exchange as taught by mikao Usui assiduosly.

Now to undergo a three months of uninterrupted quiet effective distance healing please contact me at please provide me with your name detail, first name , last name , middle name , date of birth, details of ailments or problems and a passport size photo

Wish you good luck

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Distant Reiki Healing-Is It a reality?

What is Distant Reiki Healing?

Just buy any book on Reiki.or visit any website on this topic, you can certainly come across a chapter or a page especially devoted to Distant Reiki Healing. And now what ist and does it really works? I have only one short answer YES.  In every energy healing modality whether it is Reiki, Panic healing, Siddha Science, etc You can come across this distance healing concept.

Who Can Administer Distant Reiki Healing?

Any person who has undergone level 2 training is eligible to administer Remote or absentee or distance healing.  During the level 2 attunement ceremony the practitioner is attuned to the distance healing symbol
whose name is "Han Sha  Ze Sho Nen".

This symbol enables the second level practitioner. to administer distance healing by enabling to send energy across space and time.


It can be used to heal both physical and health problems and n on health problems

For Health Problems:

1)To heal people of any age group of their health problems both physical and mental health problems
2)It can be used to heal peta animals whether they are domestic animals like  cat and dog or other animals like rabbit , etc or birds like parrot or reptiles like snakes.

Non Health Issues

1)It can be also used to heal situation, events across you own city or nation or over the entire globe.  
2)It can be used for goal manifestation.
3)It can be used to heal relationship problems between two or more individuals.
4)It can be used to resolve marital conflicts.  
5) it can be used to heal financial problems. There are multiple types of Reiki distant healing techniques and the proxy or surrogate method being a favourite among all Reiki healers

  1)I normally use a boy doll for a man  or girl doll for a woman.  To start a session i simply declare the doll to be Mr. X or Miss. X. and then do aura scanning and cleansing and administer full body healing after applying all the three symbols in their sequence and i always get good results with both  my client and myself highly satisfied with the outcome.Instead of the doll s you can also use any of your thumbs or limbs as a proxy  and that also works. Let me say i am going to use my thumb, left one, i just declare it to be Mr X or Miss X and then intent healing and apply the symbols in their sequence. .  Then I wrap the thumb with my other palm and transmit energy to the concerned person. Many users use  a teddy bear doll.  Apart from these a pillow also can be successfully used as a surrogate.

 2) When i manage to geta photo graph of a client, i put it between my palms and intent healing and apply the symbols in ther sequence. 
 3)Another interesting method is to imagine my client between my palms and intent healing and apply the symbols.  

4).  When i have to heal multiple people to heal and less time available for me than  , I write their names and date of birth on pieces of paper and put all the pieces of paper inside a polythene bag and  put it between my palms and intent healing and apply the symbols over the polythene bag.  I have always experienced wonderful results.

For people who have very limited time or no Reiki clinics nearby , Distant Reiki healing is agreat idea.  Yes after speaking to practitioner via phone the patient can relax in his sofa chair inside the cosy comfort of his house  and still enjopy woderful health benefits.

Now to undergo a three months of uninterrupted quiet effective distance healing please contact me at please provide me with your name detail, first name , last name , middle name , date of birth, details of ailments or problems and a passport size photo

Wish you good luck


Thursday, April 12, 2018

Reiki and science Behind It

Whenever somebody calls me to know about energy healing or wants to undergo healing or while attending social events and when people start to speak with me about this stuff known as healing there is one inevitable question which i have to answer, it is nothing but  Is it really scientific?, Any scientific proof is available for the efficacy of Reiki?  Any scientific research has been done. My answer is an emphatic Yes.

Has Any Scientific Research Has Been Done?
Many scientific researches have been done to study the effects of Reiki by many scientific researchers. The conclusion is like this Reiki works and in particular it is very good in the case of Pain Management. it also works very well in minimizing the suffering of patients due to the negative impact of diseases.  Side effects of medicines administered are also reduced.  

A Simple Experiment to prove that Reiki Exists and Works

I have come across a simple experiment which I think you can also try in your home, it is quite simple.  And this is a simple but powerful proof of the existence of vital healing energy and that it really works


The above experiment is s simple one.  You can  now ask whether whether experiments have been done by professional scientific researchers working with  universities and other research centers of repute.  My answer is many universities have conducted scientific inquiry regarding the efficacy of Reiki.   One more site to visit is Savvy Examiner.


Unlike before nowadays many scientists are taking a keener interest in studying the effects of Reiki and its health benefits.  In almost every country nowadays leading hospitals are having a separate department manned by healers trained in various types of healing like Pranic healing, Reiki and its various styles and othere energy healing modalities.

Now to undergo a three months of uninterrupted quiet effective distance healing please contact me at please provide me with your name detail, first name , last name , middle name , date of birth, details of ailments or problems and a passport size photo

Wish you good luck


Reiki Power Symbol In the field of Reiki Symbols have a very important role.  They are the very key in Reiki healing.  We need the symbo...