Combining Both Yoga and Reiki
Nowadays all over the globe there is a tendency among both Reiki masters and Yoga masters to combine Reiki and Yoga and in fact their number is growing at an exponential rate. This combining is nowadays known as ReikiYoga. Now I can understand that you want to ask me- How and in what way this will be beneficial to me? My answer is this combination will bring to you better and faster results. than practicing any one system alone. Actually this enables to achieve synergy. Now to understand how this is effected we have to discuss about the both systems.
An Overview of Both Systems
This is from the ancient yogis of India to entire humanity. The name yoga is nowadays very popular and almost every human living under the sun pronounces it. More and more people are nowadays undergoing training in some style of yoga. Yoga normally refers to the practice of both Asanas and Pranayams. Asanas are postures of body and pranayama is controlled inhalation and exhalation of breath. The practice of Asana involves the bending of body twisting , stretching and toning of the entire body which will bless you with resilience, suppleness and stamina. It will also reduce your stress level..
Now this is one of the most popular and widely taught , learnt and practiced energy healing technique all over the world. The noun Reiki means Universal life force. This system has its origin in Japan and the name of the founder is Mikao Usui. he was a principal of a small christian university in Tokyo. One day one of his students asked whether he can teach them how to heal like Jesus Christ used to do. To get answer for this question Usui left his job travel led to many places and finally after meditating rigorously for 21 days on Mt. Kuriyama he found his answer . Reiki is a very gentle and soothing healing energy. It is a drugless supportive complimentary therapy. It always must be used in combination with a main medical therapy like western medicine, homeopathy, Ayurveda, Siddha , Unani or Naturopathy. It is very effective in dealing with almost every type of diseases, both physical and psychological. It creates a sense of well being , induces deep relaxation.
Growing Trend to Combine Reiki and Yoga
Through out the world many Reiki masters as well as Yoga masters have started to use both Reiki and yoga combination in their daily practice as well as in their teaching to students. I have in my personal experience have found this combining of Reiki and yoga aas truly very beneficial. The practice of yoga enhances the effect of your Reiki practice and practice of Reiki certainly makes the practice of Yoga more easier and more beneficial. In my case i started to practice yoga sometime in 2008 and after sometime i had to give up as i used to get violent pains in my lower abdominal portion. My doctor diagnosed me to be having BPH i.e early stage benign prostate hyperplasia and parasitic infection. But after I learnt Classical Usui Reiki My problems started to regress and practicing of yoga became easier and because of this i am enjoying synergistic benefits.
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